Friday, May 7, 2010

Learning 2.0

A few months ago, I was one of those people who refused online learning. I used to say I'm a classroom learner, I wouldn't take an online class. I've changed so much since I'm taking this HRIS class. Now, I'm all about technology!

I understand that you don't need to go miles away to be able to network with your classmates. You really get to know well your peers using all these Web 2.0 tools. Now, I even think it is more efficient to keep in touch with your colleagues and subject matter experts through virtual conversations and online knowledge sharing than other traditional methods.

Reading a blog, I found an article written by SABA (people management solution enterprise) about learning 2.0. This document mentions that informal learning is becoming more relevant in organizations and consists of a natural collective participation of sharing and acquisition of knowledge that occurs outside of classrooms.

Globalization is strengthening informal learning through Web 2.0 technologies. People are able to get the information that they want in real time. At the same time, there is an increasing need to be a better consumer of knowledge. There is more supply of information, therefore, it is more important to be selective and to have the motivation to go out there and do smart searches and contributions.


  1. I agree with you Lilian! Web2.0 somes so handy to get in touch with your friends who are continents away.
